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- ***************************************************************************
- MEGATRACKER 0.94ß December, 1st 1994
- WARNING : The next version will be the 1.0, so get registered if you want
- to save or convert your musics. I will release it at the end of
- january (1995)
- How to get registered? Easily : Send 70 Fr to me ($14 , £9, DM20, ...)
- 5,allee cassard
- 44000 NANTES
- If you want the ACC PLAYER and the Replay Routs of the MGT (and the
- explainations of our format), get registered at SIMPLET's registration
- board (Send 70 Fr to him) :
- Stephane LESAGE (him)
- Rue des Monts-Jura
- 01200 Châtillon-en-Michaille
- Hi to MacJee (DIGITAL TRACKER). Its interface is more and more impressive
- and beautiful, but I think my format is a little bit better (I hope,
- because I don't want to have worked during 4 years to produce a shit...)
- For users : Write me your criticism (Except about MY awful interface I will
- change this later...)
- So, go on:
- Bugs of RETRIG NOTE and PORTAMENTOES removed (Shame on me)
- Name of samples and songs are 32 char
- Now you can see LOOP START, LOOP END, LOOP BUFFER LEN (soon updatable).
- What is the LOOP BUFFER LEN? It's for programmers : When you don't want
- to test, in your replay routs, the end of the loop every time (slowing
- your CPU), an optimisation consist of removing these tests and to place
- a little buffer, just after the LOOP END address, containing the sheet of
- sample corresponding to the very first bytes of the LOOP START.
- In the future MGT module format (ready but not released yet) this buffer
- will not be saved, just the value of each buffer len needed for each sample
- (depending on the highest periode reached by each sample, the tempo, the
- base (frq) of the sample, the frequency of the replay rout).
- If this value is too small => at a high frequency you will listen some
- scratching sounds from time to time (at the end of the loop)
- (Very awful with chip music).
- If this value is too high => it will only takes too much memory but the
- sound will be OK. So I will do a rout that will determine the correct
- value. (I will also do a rout that suppress the redunding tracks).
- NOTE : All value are displayed in HEX.
- Except : LEN of sample
- Now you can use CLR options (press CONTROL KEY while clicking)
- CLR ALL must be use with the other options :
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLR MUS : Reset the restart (0), the initial tempo ($7D) and speed (6),
- the volume for each voice, the name and the sequence
- (all to 0) of its patterns.
- This clear the current musique only
- CLR ALL MUS : Reset the same things for ALL music
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLR POS : Reset (to 0) the sequence of the current music
- CLR ALL POS : Reset the sequence of ALL music in memory
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLR PTN : Set to 0 the current pattern (leave the LEN PTN as the same)
- Warning : A pattern can be use by other music
- CLR ALL PTN : Reset ALL the patterns in memory
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLR TRK : Set to 0 each row of the CURRENT track (where is the cursor)
- (leave the LEN TRK as the same)
- CLR ALL TRK : (guess)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLR SPL : Erase the current sample of the memory
- CLR ALL SPL : (guess)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now you can decrease the number of MUS, POS, PTN, TRK in the memory by
- clicking with the left button AND the CONTROL KEY
- Warning : It suppress the lasts (MUS, POS, PTN, TRK)
- Remember : 'MAX values' means that the numbers are from 0 to MAX-1
- Ex : If there are 81 TRK, their numbers are from 0 to 80
- I would like to say that I'm working on the replay rout for JAGUAR.
- New firm in NANTES... Named ARTIFICE...
- ***************************************************************************
- MEGATRACKER 0.932ß september, 25th 1994
- Bug of STOP button fixed (thanks to BLISS)
- Now you can choose the tracks (for each voice)
- Some minor details implemented, as :
- - The Shift keys are now active, try them with Arrows
- Try also them with the Insert Key (Insert a blank line in current track)
- and the Clr-Home Key (Delete a line in current Track)
- - You can now press the mouse buttons for a long time
- Repetitions have been implemented (useful to scroll the directory)
- - Try the F8 key (VGA mode only)
- - SpaceBar = Play Song On/Off
- - BackSpace = Blank the current line of the current track
- (Pointed by the cursor)
- Some little shitty bugs removed
- (I swear the next time it will be the version 0.94ß. The Version 1.0
- will be registerable (soon))
- ***************************************************************************
- MEGATRACKER 0.931ß august, 18th 1994
- This is exactly the same version than 0.93ß BUT with many bugs fixed:
- (I hope)
- Loading correct
- No more ghosts rows
- EDIT function correct
- scrolling track correct
- MTM loop correct (MTM module TIMEDRIF.MTM now correct it was the only one
- I found with this bug)
- Font now 8*8 (instead of 8*7, I used it on the STE to have more cpu time.
- Bugging the minus letters)
- Hem... I have not yet coded the 669 format to my new format (with track)
- but I will do it (I swear).
- ***************************************************************************
- MEGATRACKER 0.93ß august, 8th 1994
- Great improvement : Now each patterns are no rows nor columns any longer.
- I use a new system (new for soundtracker not for sequencer) : the TRACKS
- Now patterns are just :
- len (# of rows) of pattern + pointers (Voice -> Track).
- Look at the difference between a MOD loaded and a MTM loaded.
- The first one has his tracks consecutives, not the second one.
- This way allow to save much of memory wasted as before.
- Now you can chose the max number of Positions (len of a sequence), Patterns
- and tracks up to 65535 (eheh). Hem! in fact, in this version you can only
- increase this number, decrease not yet implemented (I'm working on it with
- suppession of selected track (not the last, as decreasing), and the
- insertion (not adding to the end).
- You cannot choose your track yet.
- WARNING : The display is now hexa.
- New : The parameters are on 2 bytes (MOD : 1 byte) allowing to implement
- better effect (volume from 0 to 255 instead of 64 for both left and right
- at the same time, arpeggio on 5 periods instead of 3, ...)
- New function: $22 SET STEREO param: xxyy (xx:left volume yy:right vol)
- BUT I have not yet implemented the new volume management (0 ->255)
- still 64... (I'm working on it)
- The bug of the bad loop in S3M format if fixed
- Some minor bugs are fixed (I now there are still left)
- Now I'm working on the 0.94 with :
- Supp, Insert : pos,patt,track
- modification of a len of track (<> len of the patt)
- If len track = len patt => no prbm
- If len track > len patt => the end of the patt has priority
- the rows left of the track will not be played
- If len track < len patt => nothing will be played at the end of track
- Block management
- ***************************************************************************
- MEGATRACKER 0.92ß june, 24th 1994
- Now can hear S3M mod format, not 100% correct because of 2 new effects
- (tremor and retrig+volumeslide), and strange loop samples (2ND_PM.S3M).
- If you think that a sample should not loop, then choose it
- (using 'insert' and 'clr' keys), then press F6 to disable loop mode.
- Some minor bugs removed
- ***************************************************************************
- And now this is the MEGATRACKER 0.91ß june, 4th 1994
- Tempo is now implemented (by Simplet (Abstract))
- Using Host Interrupts for both 68030 and DSP, useful for leaving free
- more DSP memory (I compute 1 channel at time), so you can have others
- routs in it.
- Sample base frequency is now from 8400 to 49170
- The 6 octaves are enabled (Keyboard : low, med , high, very high)
- WARNING : the higher the frequency is, the more 68030 time you take
- Panning is now implemented (From PC version : MTM and S3M)
- It's the $E8 function ($18 here)
- Parameter is from 0 to $f (from left to right)
- And soon : A mega .MOD format
- New panning management :
- both sides (left and right) will be independant
- ***************************************************************************
- So here is the MEGATRACKER 0.9ß may, 23th 1994
- by Axel Follet (MCS) for the Code
- Simplet (Abstract) for the DSP rout
- Alf (?) for the GRFX
- Featuring 32 channels 8 bits (interpolated to 16 bits)
- Allowing MOD format, 8CHN, CD81, FLT8, 669(rename them to .mod), MAD, MTM
- (also Oktalyser (amiga) but not really correct)
- and soon S3M (because I receive the official format yesterday)
- REMEMBER to modify a value (as volume, position, pattern ...)
- click on it with the left button to increase (by 1, 10 or 100) and
- the right one to decrease (same)
- To load a mod click on it then click on LOAD (SAVE is disabled)
- (You can pack with the ATOMIK 3.5)
- For Loading a sample the MEGATRAK will find the first free place.
- To go up on directories click on the smiley
- Volume is modified by the number of active voices (you can modify it
- yourself but the sound can become trashy)
- Frequency is not useful with the DSP version (Old 68030 version used it)
- To change selected drive, click on it then click on DRIVE to validate
- (WARNING I've got many trouble with A and B floppy but as everybody have
- an Hard Drive ...)
- KEYBOARD : if you choose PIANO : Standard soundtracker piano keyboard
- OCTAVE is LOW, MED or HIGH because AMIGA format has 3 octaves
- (from A-1 to G-3)
- mine has 6 octaves (from A-0 to G-5) BUT in this demo version
- it is not correctly implemented (bugs with MTM format)
- if you choose DRUM : The keyboard will be a DrumKit (try all keys)
- and as you can have 256 samples and the keyboard has only 64 keys
- POSITION allow you to reach all samples ('A' key is the first spl)
- And in SAMPLE you can choose the correct FRQ. command and parameter for a
- sample (useful for DRUMKIT).
- Volume and fine tune are used both by PIANO and DRUM.
- MONO/STEREO are not implemented in this version
- SIGNED allow to convert SIGNED/UNSIGNED sample
- CODED ON (8 / 16) BITS (no comment)
- REDUCED TO (15-14 / 7-6) BITS is not useful with the DSP version
- (it was for the 68030 version)
- MEGATRACK allows several MUSIC in 1 module (a music is a succession of
- patterns)
- NOTE OPTION is not yet implemented
- Clear SAMPLE,PATTERN or MUSIC (just erase current)
- Clear ALL SAMPLE,PATTERN or MUSIC (erase all)
- VOICES : a 'X' : voice is a music channel
- (and/or) a 'F' : voice is a sound FX channel (for the replay rout)
- a 'B' : for block mode (not implemented in this beta version)
- (block will be copied,cut,pasted or deleted)
- Block mode is not implemented here
- In sample, loop is not modifiable yet
- Instead of the AMIGA format, in pattern, volume is independant
- a row is coded : 1 byte for the note
- 1 byte for the instrument
- 1 byte for the command
- 1 byte for the parameter
- 1 byte for the volume (equivalent to 'C' command)
- (but 'C' has priority)
- With this DSP version I have not implemented the TEMPO, and you can count
- 1% to 1,5% of 68030 time taken by voice (for the replay rout only because
- all voices are actives in the editor, but not necessairly listenable)
- The samples have no lenght limit
- Press : 'HELP' to watch cpu time taken
- 'UNDO' to modifie the stereo (LLRR to LRLR) due to AMIGA
- non standard stereo
- 'INS' and 'CLR' : change the number of the current sample (PIANO mode)
- same effect by clicking
- 'ESC' to stop listening
- I include all Protracker effects (except funk, filter and panning (PC) )
- The $Exy commands (protracker) are implemented in $1x yy (MGT)
- and I will implemente new S3M effects
- Well I think that's all for this moment.
- I began to code this in november 1990 for my STE (11 voices) and little
- by little (when I had time) I ameliorate it, and it will be in constant
- evolution.
- For any comments : AUDUC Guillaume
- 5,allee cassard
- 44000 NANTES
- 40 47 93 58
- If you are interested by replay rout (using very easily sound FX)
- contact me for negociation.
- ***************************************************************************